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Our Privacy 

Usage policy

This usage agreement, the privacy of use, the terms and conditions, and all the policies that were your ( are designed to protect and preserve the rights of both your marketing board published on and )the user who accesses the application with or without ) board marketing organization registration( or )the customer who benefits from ads by registering or without registration). ,The agreement was created based on the electronic transactions system. The terms, conditions provisions and legal disputes are subject to the laws, legislation and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a user, you agree to abide by everything contained in this agreement if you use the application or if you access it or if you register for the service. Your tablet application has the right to amend this agreement at any time and is binding on all parties after announcing the update in the application or in any other way. identification

is a 100% Saudi institution, and it Your board is the owner of the application for Marketing Board is an electronic platform that enables the user )the creator of the electronic record( to provide his services and deliver them to the target customer )the receiver of the electronic record( according Your Board Marketing ( to specific conditions and controls. It is referred to in this agreement as (we(, )us(, or ) Your Board Application (, and here it represents the first party ,) Corporation. The user is the )individual, institution, or company( who creates the electronic record that accesses the application and benefits from its services directly or indirectly, and is referred to as the member or the second party. Customer: is the entity )individual, institution, company, or agency( to which the electronic record ends, and which is targeted by the user )the creator of the electronic record(. Electronic record: It is the data that is generated, saved, or sent by the user )the creator of the electronic record( and is in the form of service provision, service request, responses, or private messages.

Terms of use

As a second party to this agreement, by agreeing to benefit from the application services , you must comply with the following: Not to advertise or download content or items that are inappropriate for the ratings available in the application that are allowed to be sold. And you must review the terms of the advertisement, not to violate or circumvent the laws, policies and regulations of the application or any rights related to a third party. Not to copy the advertisement from your marketing board and re-publish it on other sites. 1. Not to use any illegal means to access ads or other users' data, or to violate the policy and rights of your board For marketing , or accessing the content of the application, or collecting and collecting information and data related to the application of your board or the customers of the application, and benefiting from it in any way or republishing it. 2. ,Not to use our Services if you are not legally qualified to perform this Agreement. For example you are under 18 years old, or you are temporarily or permanently blocked from using the application. 3. Not to manipulate the prices of commodities, whether in buying or selling, and causing harm to other users. 4. Not to post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or defamatory advertisements or comments. 5. Not to be exposed to policies, international dominions, considered personalities, or any discussions that are not related to legitimate buying and selling in your board for marketing. 6. Not to transfer your account or activity to other sites at the time it bears the logo or services of the institution. 7. Not to violate the copyrights, trademarks, patents, publicity, databases or other proprietary or intellectual rights that belong to the Marketing Board or licensed to the Marketing Board. 8. Not to collect information about other application users for commercial or other purposes. 9. Not to do anything that might harm the reputation of your board for marketing. 10. Not to impersonate the organization of your marketing board, its representative or employee, or any capacity that suggests that you are affiliated with the organization, unless you have official permission from the organization. Your non-compliance with these conditions gives your board for the neighbor the full right to block your membership and prevent you from accessing the application without the need to notify you of that, and you hereby undertake not to return to using the application until after the application has approved that.

The responsibility of your board for marketing Your board for marketing

provides the service of enabling the user to display his goods in accordance with the agreed usage policy, and we do not offer any guarantees, and we do not bear any responsibility in the event that the user does not comply with the application usage policy, and we are not responsible for any risk, damages, consequences, or losses that fall on the seller or buyer or any other Another party and the one who sustained damage must inform us of this through the contact us link and explain the damage to it, and your board for marketing will take the action according to the type of incident without any responsibility. Your use of your board application means that you authorize us to save your data that you entered on the organization's servers, and we have the right to view and review it. You also agree that we have the right to monitor private messages when needed to ensure that they are free from violations of the usage agreement, and we have the right to delete the advertisement and dispose of the attached pictures when needed. Or through the notification system, and he must abide by and act accordingly.

Membership Terms

Membership is: the username with which the person registered in the Loftak application, which is linked to his mobile number, and it must be subject to the following conditions: 1. It is necessary to choose a suitable and appropriate name during the registration process. 2. It is forbidden to use more than one membership in the application for each person or entity . 3. You must update your mobile number associated with the membership in case you change or lose your mobile number. 4. If your membership name contains a trade name or trademark, you must be the owner of the trademark or authorized to use the name or trademark. 5. It is prohibited to sell or assign the membership to another party or allow any other party to use it, and the first member is responsible for it towards any violations or legal responsibilities, and both parties will be considered in the event of sale or assignment in violation of the usage policy in the application of your board. 6. The member is obligated not to share his membership information with anyone. 7. Your Tablet Application" is committed to taking the necessary standards for data protection " and preservation, knowing that the Internet is not a 100% safe way to save confidential information. 8. The Service exchanges certain information with your device for the purpose of providing the Service to you. 9. The application uses statistical programs such as Google Analytics in order to develop and improve the service.

Conditions for adding content to the application

1. You undertake not to advertise any prohibited goods in the application. 2. You undertake not to add any prohibited responses to the application. 3. You undertake not to send any prohibited messages in the application. 4. You undertake to determine the selling price of the advertised commodity. 5. You undertake to follow up on your advertisement and respond to customer inquiries through responses or through private messages. 6. The advertised advertising material must be a commodity only. 7. The advertisement must be full of details and in the correct section. 8. The application has the right to delete any advertisement without mentioning the reason for the deletion. 9. It is forbidden to copy any advertisement from the application. 10. It is forbidden to use any part of any advertisement in the application. 11. The advertiser is obligated to ensure that the images added in the advertisement are of the same advertised commodity. 12. The images of the content must be morally appropriate and of high quality and not violate the regulations of the Ministry of Labor, human rights, or any government or private agency . 13. Commitment not to advertise goods and services that are included in the list of prohibited goods and services. The list of prohibited replies and prohibited messages must also be adhered to. 14. You undertake not to advertise to someone you do not know or to register for someone you do not know. 15. The update and modification of the advertisement is subject to all the terms and conditions in this agreement, and the user is responsible for any violations that occurred during the creation of the advertisement or after the update or amendment. 16. Creation, updating and modification is the responsibility of the user )the creator of the )electronic record. 17. You need to update the ad. If the user does not update the advertisement, the advertisement will be automatically deleted. Prohibited Goods The item shown is the prohibited item in the app. These goods are forbidden to be advertised in the application, and it is also forbidden to purchase them through the application. We block the advertiser who advertises these goods, and we block those who respond to him through private messages or through replies. Please note that there is no warning before the ban and that the ban is final for discussion. The prohibited goods are : 1. All prohibited goods according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2. Installment and banking products. These goods are forbidden even if they are considered legitimate. 3. Medicines, medical and health products 4. Weapons, including detonators, pistols, machine guns, personal protection weapons and accessories, even if they are licensed. 5. Stocks, portfolio management, currencies, marketing and everything related to that. 6. Laser devices, spying and eavesdropping devices. 7. Websites, forums, electronic services, e-mails, selling memberships and programs. 8. Free sale of any item. An example of this is emails, Twitter accounts, Instagram, and others . 9. Goods that violate intellectual property rights, such as copied programs and copied movies. 10. Advertising products or services that require a license without obtaining a license from the regulator. 11. Prohibited devices such as: jammers, encoders, or mobile signal boosters. 12. devices with security risks. 13. Advertise SIM cards or telecom services.

Banned ads

The following list contains most of the methods and methods of ads that are prohibited in the application: 1. All ads that are not related to buying and selling 2. Bring up topics in the application. 3. Advertising in order to add a suggestion or discuss a problem with management in the .application . 4. The ad is incomplete. 5. .Poor quality ad 6. .Poor communication of the advertiser with members interested in the offered commodity 7. .Ad in wrong section . 8. Add an ad and you have another banned membership. You must first discuss the ban with us before adding any new advertisement. 9. Adding a picture that is not of the same commodity if the commodity is a car, even if it is for the purpose of clarification. 10. Any advertisement that contains a reference to any racist matter in all its forms. 11. Any advertisement that contains false information, whether the error is intentional or .unintentional 12. Adding an advertisement for the purpose of defamation. If you have a complaint against our advertiser, please write to us and explain the problem. If you have a problem with an entity that we are not related to, please complain to the entity responsible for that. 13. Copying an advertisement for another advertiser or part of it. 14. Advertisements for donations and requests for help. The state system prohibits donations and charitable work outside the specific legal scope designated for that. 15. Announcements about contributions and subscriptions. 16. Begging and helping beggars We are banning the member who helps beggars in the application. 17. ,The request for mediation and assistance, whether legal or illegal 18. Ads that contain abuse of power. 19. Advertising in responses.

Blocked Responses

The following list contains most of the prohibited responses: 1. Advertising in responses. 2. understatement_ 3. Cursing and cursing whether there is a justification or not. 4. Lack of seriousness and unwillingness to buy. 5. Comment in order to add a joke or antecedent or news )the application is for sale and )purchase only. 6. Disrespecting the commodity or the advertiser. Banned private messages The following list contains most of the banned private messages: 1. Advertising in private messages. 2. Cursing and cursing whether there is a justification or not.

Security policy for your marketing board

Your board for marketing is committed to the usage agreement and privacy of use, but we are not a party to any dispute or issues that arise between users for violating one or both of them of the usage agreement, but it seeks to enhance the security aspect of the application in order to limit and ,eliminate the infringements made by some of the application's users in violation of the agreement ,Policy, privacy and terms of use, in order to achieve the integrity of buying and selling, combat fraud fraud, fraud and deception, and follow the laws, legislation and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The procedure leads to legal and judicial prosecution before the relevant authority . Here are the common violations and the necessary action towards them: 1. The customer has been exposed to a fraud by another party: The customer must inform the competent security authorities. 2. The application will not be a party to such issues and does not bear any responsibility, but we will provide what we have to the competent authorities in the event that this is requested in an official capacity. 3. Infringement of the policy or sovereignty of the state: the advertisement will be deleted, the advertiser's membership will be suspended, and the competent authorities will be informed of this. 4. In the event that any of the prohibited goods is advertised: the advertisement will be documented, archived, deleted, the member suspended, and the competent authorities notified. 5. In the event that an individual, institution, company, or agency illegally )such as hacking or using illegal data collection methods or any means( with the aim of accessing the application content, application programming, application databases, or information and data belonging .to application customers in order to copy ads And republish it or make use of it in any way Your board for marketing will go to the competent authorities to sue the other party on the grounds of electronic hacking and committing a crime of violating the information crime regulations. 6. In the event that an individual, institution, company, or agency copies ads from your marketing board to another application, your marketing board will go to the competent authorities to file a lawsuit and prosecute the other party claiming infringement of the organization's rights. 7. Exposure to defamation and violation of privacy: The customer must notify the application administration . The application management will review the complaint and investigate the defendant customer, and the necessary action will be taken against him, and in the event that it is confirmed that he violated the usage agreement. The customer who suffered damage should go to the relevant authorities to file a complaint. Your board for marketing will not be a party to such cases and will not bear any responsibility, but we will provide the necessary data to the competent authorities in the event that this is requested in an official capacity. 8. Inconvenience: When a customer is disturbed by another customer, he must notify the application of that, and the complaint will be reviewed and the appropriate action will be taken in this regard.


Privacy and Confidentiality Statement We appreciate your concerns and interest in the privacy of your data on the Internet. This policy has been prepared to help you understand the nature of the data that we collect from you when you visit our application on the Internet and how we deal with this personal data. Browsing We did not design this application in order to collect your personal data from your computer or from your mobile phone while browsing this application, but only the data provided by you will be used with your knowledge and of your own free will. Internet Protocol(IP) address At any time you visit any Internet application, including this application, the host server will record your Internet Protocol(IP) address, the date and time of the visit, the type of Internet browser you are using, and the URL of any Internet application. that refer you to this application on the network. .Links to other sites on the Internet Our application may contain links to other sites on the Internet We are not responsible for those sites. You can view the privacy policies and contents of those sites that are accessed through any link within this application. Disclosure of information We will maintain at all times the privacy and confidentiality of all personal data that we obtain. This information will not be disclosed unless it is required by any law or when we believe in good faith that such action will be required or desirable to comply with the law, or to defend or protect the property rights of this application or its beneficiaries. The data necessary to carry out the transactions required by you When we need any data of your own, we will ask you to provide it of your own free will. This information will help us to contact you and carry out your requests wherever possible. The data provided by you will never be sold to any third party for the purpose of marketing it for its own benefit without obtaining your prior and written consent, unless this is done on the basis that it is within collective data used for statistical purposes and research without including any data that can be used to identify you. When contacting us, all data provided by you will be treated as confidential. The forms submitted directly on the network require the submission of data that will help us improve our application. The data that is provided by you will be used to respond to all your inquiries, comments, or requests from this application or any of its affiliated sites. Disclosure of information to any third party We will not sell, trade, rent, or disclose any information for the benefit of any third party outside this application, or its affiliated sites. Amendments to the confidentiality and privacy policy of information We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the confidentiality policy and the privacy of information if necessary and when appropriate. The modifications will be implemented here or on the main or usage policy page, and you will be continuously notified of the data that we have obtained, how we will use it and who we will provide with this data.

 MOHD_TECH built the لوحتك app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by MOHD_TECH at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.

If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which are accessible at لوحتك unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.

The app does use third-party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

Log Data

I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third-party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.

This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third-party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.

Service Providers

I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;

  • To provide the Service on our behalf;

  • To perform Service-related services; or

  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to their Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to do the necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy is effective as of 2024-12-31


Contact us

You can contact us when needed via e-mail or contact us on WhatsApp Finally, your concerns and concerns about the confidentiality and privacy of data is a matter of utmost importance to us. We hope that this will be achieved through this policy

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